How Long Should You Meditate?

How long should you meditate? Mediation is a great habit that everyone can take advantage of. However, many people are unfamiliar with the ins and outs of the practice. In this blog, we are going to be breaking down the appropriate length for a meditation session.

The Short Answer

The short answer is that you should meditate for the appropriate amount of time to make it a habit. To reap the full benefits of a meditation, you should practice regularly and preferably once per day. Therefore, if you are new to meditation, it is recommended that you start with short sessions which can range anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes. From there, you can increase your time if you wish, but more on that later.

For now, just know that you should meditate regularly, so you want to do what you can to make it a habit.

The Long Answer

There is no one correct way to meditate. Different cultures practice different forms of meditation and have done so for thousands of years. Some practitioners meditate for 5 to 10 minutes at a time, and others meditate for days on end. Therefore, the true answer to “how long should you meditate?” is “it depends on what you want to get out of it.”

In what follows, we are going to break down some of the most common meditation practices with an emphasis on time. As we move along, we’ll be keeping the beginner in mind, meaning you won’t be reading about some of the more extreme meditation practices, though they are fascinating in their own right. By the end of this blog, we hope you will have the answer to “how long should you meditate” that makes sense for your lifestyle.

How long should you meditate?

Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness mediation is the practice that many people think of when they hear the word ‘meditation.’ For a practitioner of mindfulness meditation, the goal is to increase awareness of the present moment and to let all other thoughts fade away. Research shows that increased mindfulness can alleviate negative emotions and improve memory, focus, and relationship satisfaction.

So how long should you meditate with this practice? For the max benefit, experts recommend that you spend 20 minutes per day meditating. This can be broken up into multiple sessions or it can be done all at one time.

While 20 minutes is ideal, it is okay if you start off with a shorter timeframe. Even 5 minutes per day is beneficial as long as you make it a habit. At a certain point, 5 minutes will eventually seem like no big deal and then you can steadily increase your time. Again, the point is to make meditation a habit and there is no need to punish yourself unnecessarily.

Zen Meditation

Zen meditation, also called Zazen, is a Buddhist practice that focuses on breathing and the non-judgmental observation of one’s own thoughts. It is practiced in particular postures and usually under the guidance of a teacher, although the internet has now opened new possibilities in this regard.

Like mindfulness meditation, Zen meditation is shown to decrease stress and anxiety, while promoting healthy thoughts and emotions. It is an incredibly relaxing practice that some describe as spiritual.

Now to our key question: how long should you meditate? Traditionally, practitioners would sit as a stick of incense burned and they would end once the stick had burned out. Some people still utilize this practice, but to give a more concrete answer, a typical session at Zen center often lasts 40 minutes. Of course, this is significantly longer than the amount of time needed for mindfulness meditation which is something you will want to take into account if you are new to the practice.

Transcendental Meditation

Transcendental meditation is an explicitly spiritual form of meditation. Its practitioners sit still and breathe slowly with the goal of transcending their bodily state. While engaging in transcendental meditation – or TM – the practitioner repeats a mantra. Traditionally, the mantra is given to the practitioner by a teacher, but some modern practitioners have come up with mantras of their own.

Advocates of transcendental meditation often report intense spiritual experiences and increased mindfulness. Interestingly, TM found its way into the mainstream because of the regular support it receives from celebrities and artists including Howard Stern, Mia Farrow, Clint Eastwood, and David Lynch.

And now, once again, we come back to our primary question. How long should you meditate when practicing TM? It is recommended that you practice TM twice per day for 20 minutes at a time. Like mindfulness meditation, it is possible to do less and still see results, but 20 minutes will reap you the maximum benefit.

How long should you meditate?

Which type of meditation is right for me?

Now that you know more about each of these meditation practices, you may be considering which one is best for you. Ultimately, that is a question you will have to answer for yourself. The reason so many different methods exist is because different people receive different benefits from each one.

You may find that you greatly prefer one practice over another and that is okay. Just stick with whatever works for you. To repeat what we’ve already said a couple of times, the most important thing is that you stick with it. Zen, TM, and mindfulness meditation are useless if they are not made into habits.

Also, make sure you give a practice a fair chance before giving up on it. Like healthy eating or exercise, it takes some time to start to see the benefits of meditation. Some practitioners say they see a benefit after two to three weeks, but the average is closer to eight weeks. In other words, don’t give up if you don’t see results right away.

Meditation at Artemis Hill

If you are looking for a great place to meditate, then check out Artemis Hill. Artemis Hill is an amazing getaway spot located just 75 minutes from Manhattan that is perfect for meditation. In addition to providing breathtaking accommodations, Artemis Hill regularly features group meditation sessions that anyone is welcome to join. If you are new to meditation, group sessions are a great way to get started and we have an excellent community that is eager to help newcomers. Come visit Artemis Hill today!

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